So...back to Dr. Ferber's book...
We have spent most of our summer tired. Although I have not written about it a lot, Keatin has NOT been sleeping well. She learned to climb out of her crib at the beginning of June and ever since, whether she was laying in a bed, on the floor, or in her crib, we have had to sit in her room until she falls naps and bedtime. During the night, she would wake up multiple times, come into our room crying, and one of us would have to sit with her in her room AGAIN until she would fall back asleep. Josh was still functioning...some days, I barely was...and Keatin was just SO irritable...and I know it was from lack of sleep. We tried LOTS of different things...seriously, you name the idea - we tired it.
Anyways, over the weekend, I had had enough. Josh was going out of town for the night, Keatin and I stayed behind, and I was ready to tackle the problem. Got Dr. Ferber's book, got an extra-tall baby gate from a friend to put in Keatin's bedroom doorway (which we had tried our gates before and she either climbed over them or ran straight into them), and I was ready. In a nutshell, Ferber's whole theory is you progressively let your child "cry it out" and learn to fall asleep/stay asleep on their own. (Check all the reviews on will explain it much better than me).
Saturday night - I did our usual bedtime routine with Keatin and told her she was going to go to bed like a big girl (she now sleeps in a double bed). Hugs, kisses, and left the room - closed the gate behind me. She WAILED and WAILED. After 3 minutes, I returned to the gate to reassure her...did not touch her, did not go in, just used a calming voice and lots of SSSHHHH. Stayed about 1 minute - left again. WAILING and WAILING. I was to now wait 5 minutes before returning. However, I hear a huge thud in my un-carpeted hallway...that stinker got herself over the gate...but obviously fell. (She had a bruise on her forehead and back the next day to prove it). So, obviously I scooped her up to make sure she wasn't hurt and comforted her...took her back in her room to comfort her...but left again after a minute. WAILS and WAILS. Was going to wait 5 minutes again. But never had to go back...she quieted down, and fell asleep. I was all prepped for the middle of the night when she would wake up...I was to do the exact same thing I did at bedtime...don't go to her for 3 minutes, etc.... I didn't hear her until 530 am...waited 1 minute...she was asleep again until 6:50.
I could give you the play by play for each day since then, but won't. :) She still cries EVERY time we leave the room, but quiets down in under a minute. She still wakes up some (although not very much), but gets herself back to sleep. She has not attempted to scale that gate again...I think it scared her, which I guess is good. We have been giving her ridiculous amounts of praise for what a big girl she is, how she sleeps in a big girl bed, etc... Honestly, she can recite our words to you. :) She falls asleep next to the gate some...not going to fight that battle. In all honesty, Ferber's book is not rocket was just the push I needed. I think I felt like I had tried the gate...but he even suggests stacking I knew I needed to do more. (If you are looking to buy baby gates, just get the extra tall ones...just in case.) :)
OK - so I like the book. :) I would certainly recommend it to anyone having sleep issues with their baby/toddler. The crying is HARD to listen to...not going to lie (especially when your child can call your name)...but I am 100% sure it has not hurt her in any way. And I am going to go do some work in my Keatin is finally napping longer than 1 hour. :)
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