

This is (us) over the last week...

Will has a new love for playing on Keatin's bed. I believe Josh plops Keatin & Will on her bed in the mornings while he is trying to get ready. Apparently, falling off several times does not deter Will. :)

We have dug out some old cell phones. These are now Will's phones. Do not even think about touching them. :)

 This was one day after nap...Keatin was apparently not alone in the bathroom. :)

Josh was gone for awhile after work last Thursday night. Sometimes being alone on a weeknight can be horrible...but Keatin and Will were actually in pretty good spirits on this particular evening. I was getting supper together, and Keatin kept yelling at me to come see her "road." The couch cushions and pillows were her road. :)

 I am not kidding...we can't leave this kid alone anywhere!!!

 Friday evening... :)

Josh had to work Saturday morning, so I decided to take Keatin and Will to an indoor play area in Ankeny. We met 2 co-workers of mine there...so between the 3 moms, we were watching 7 small children. Kind of crazy at times, but Keatin LOVED it and I think Will enjoyed it for the most part too!


(The only picture I could catch of Keatin - she was moving too fast! She is playing with my co-worker's daughter Ava.)

Saturday night...the Carlsons rolled into town! They spent the night and the kids played all morning today!
Will - Emerie - Lane - Keatin

Keatin - Lane - Emerie - Will

And that is (us). :)

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