
New tricks!

Keatin has developed several new tricks that I forgot to mention...

On Tuesday, she officially started to say MA-MA - yipee! (Now Josh thinks she has "forgotten" how to say DA-DA.) :) (April 21, 2009)

Yesterday, she really got the hang of waving HI or BYE-BYE. She kept waving to Josh over and over again last night when I was taking her to bed...so cute. :) (April 22, 2009)

She also will randomly do SO BIG with her arms above her head, but I am not sure we have mastered that one yet...although last night, she was doing SO BIG, clapping, and waving back-to-back over and over again!



The Barbers were on the road again this weekend...this time to Omaha for a wedding! A friend of mine from Creighton got married, so we were able to see some college friends...which was SO nice. And we were able to show Keatin off to my Creighton crew...which was a lot of fun! We stayed with Jen and Joey, and thank them for letting our baby "stuff" take over their house for a few days - it really does multiply! Keatin came with us to the wedding on Saturday afternoon, and then stayed home with Jen and Joey while we went to the reception Saturday night. It sounds like she was a good girl...except for bedtime, but they eventually got it all figured out and she slept all night - so thank you and good job Jen and Joey! We really had a nice time and were able to see a lot of people in a short amount of time! Most of the pics below are of Josh and myself - yes, we do exist without our baby sometimes! Hope everyone has a nice week!

Daddy and Keatin on Saturday morning...checking e-mail and reading books. :)

OK - this is Paul Barber's long-lost twin brother!!!!!! This was the priest at the wedding - seriously, it could have been Paul! Josh and I could barely concentrate to listen to him talk!

At the reception at the Magnolia Hotel in Omaha...

This is my roommate from Creighton, Priya, and her husband, Andrew...SO good to see them!


Easter weekend fun!

We survived Easter weekend!!! :) We had a great time in Storm Lake and as always, Keatin was the hit of the show. :) She was actually fussy for her (which isn't horrible since she is such a happy baby), but just more whiny and clingy than usual...which was a bummer at times, but we still love her. :) Could be the fact that as we pulled back into the driveway in Ames on Sunday afternoon, I definitely felt and saw a tooth coming through on the bottom! Now since then, it seems to be coming in, then going back down, coming up, then going back down...but it is working on making a permanent appearance, that is for sure! On Easter Sunday, we forgot our camera when we went to the Barbers...so I have to wait for Paul to e-mail some of his pictures to me, but will post them as soon as I get them. Below are the pictures I have from various parts of the weekend - enjoy! :)

Keatin, modeling the hat that Great-Grandma Heeren gave her...

Keatin and Great-Grandma Heeren...

Easter Sunday Pictures!

Aunt Jen and Uncle Joey...
Mommy, Daddy, and Keatin

The girls... :)
Keatin and Grandma Petersen...

These are Keatin's best pictures of the day! Keatin and Great-Grandma Petersen...

Keatin and Uncle Joey...He is one funny guy!

Keatin and Aunt Jen...


Happy Almost Easter!

Happy almost easter to everyone! Sorry it has been awhile since I have posted new pictures, so here they are! Keatin and I are in SL already for Easter, and Josh/Grandma & Grandpa Heeren/Crimson will be coming tomorrow. We will celebrate at the Barber house on Saturday afternoon/evening and the Petersen house on Sunday...and Aunt Jen's birthday is on Saturday, so we will celebrate that as well! Busy busy! I will post more Easter pics after the weekend...

This is how I found Keatin in her bed one day after nap...enough pacifiers?? :)

Keatin "helping" with the laundry...

Best buddies - Keatin and Crimson...

We took Keatin to a store in Storm Lake yesterday to get her picture taken with the Easter Bunny. She didn't produce any huge smiles, but she also didn't cry! :)

Here are 2 videos - one of Keatin trying to crawl and just playing at home!



I took Keatin back to the pediatric orthopedic doctor this morning to get her hips x-rayed again. It seems like FOREVER ago that she was wearing that harness! Anyways, the x-rays looked perfectly normal. He saw her stand up/bounce on her legs (which is good)...indicating she is bearing weight on her hips/legs just fine. SO...we go back at 12 months/in August! By then, she should definitely be crawling and maybe even walking!

I would post some recent pictures/videos, but Josh took the camera with him to Arizona. He left yesterday morning and will be back Sunday. His parents bought a retirement home in Tucson, so he is "helping" get it all set up...AKA: golfing a lot and working some. :) Keatin, Crimson, and I are on our own...and Crimson was at a complete loss last night - it is going to be a long couple days of her nagging me. :)

Keatin's other new tricks are clapping her hands every time that we say "Yeah, Keatin" and SCREECHING at the top of her lungs just to hear her voice...SO cute! Will try to catch both on video soon!