
memorial day weekend

We headed to Storm Lake for Memorial Day weekend after Josh got off work on Saturday. Josh and I went to a wedding reception Saturday night (minus Keatin & Will), hung out at the Barbers all day Sunday, and swung by G & G Petersen's house Monday before heading out of town.

Keatin, Uncle Tyler, and Will...

Although Monday was basically a wind storm coming off the lake, Keatin DID NOT care and had a blast playing at the park behind G & G Petersen's house!

Keatin likes to say - "Mommy, you snuggle me?" :) So here we are...snuggling! :)

Back in Ames on Monday night....Will is getting closer and closer to sitting up. (Josh quickly jumped out of this picture...and Will promptly began to tip over.) :)

Hope everyone has a great week!


I was busy packing everyone's bags to head home for Memorial Day weekend...and my big girl was helping me entertain Will. Of course, he was laughing WAY more before I got the camera out!


Keatin LOVES Will...LOTS. :)

She loves reading to him...and I love watching...hope you do too!!


cold start to summer

It is my first full day of summer vacation...and it is cold, cloudy, and 58 degrees - ha! We aren't taking in the sun or playing outside...so here are a few pictures of us playing in the living room...so exciting, I know. :)

I am SO excited to be with Keatin and Will this summer, although I have to admit...my mind is trying to figure out how I am going to do this with 2! It was just Keatin the last two summers. And 2 is not a bad thing...I am just trying to wrap my mind around how are days will "go." And I know one aspect of our days will be keeping the house in a somewhat presentable manner. :) This kind of scares me...because, to be honest...we get messy around here. Below is a "schedule" I found when I was blog-hopping...and I am going to give it a whirl. Having a dirty house bothers me and it always gets to a point where I just CANNOT STAND IT ANYMORE. :) I am hoping this schedule will help me stay on top of household tasks and in theory, I should only spend 20-30 minutes each day completing the cleaning task...which leaves me with LOADS of time to play and have fun with my cuties. :)

We are headed to SL tomorrow for Memorial Day weekend. Josh and I are attending a wedding on Saturday afternoon/evening, and Keatin/Will are staying at G & G Petersen's house overnight...alone...without us...like, we won't see them until the morning. (Sigh...)


{It's Summer}

I know I haven't uploaded any pictures lately...been crazy here...but until I get to it, all I have to say is...

I am home from my last day of work/school! The kids are napping at the sitter's house, so I think I am going to go for a run alone...bring on summer vacation!


mother's day gift

Can you tell what my mother's day gift is???? LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!

(And LOVE the 2 adorable cuties in there too!)

pics [Aunt Bri's Wedding]

Sorry for the delay...but finally got around to posting some pictures from Aunt Bri's wedding!

We can print pictures if we want...I L-O-V-E the last one...my favorite by far. :)



It has been crazy around here! The end of the school year, nice weather, Mother's Day...life is keeping us on our toes!

G & G Petersen and Great-Grandma Petersen came to Ames for Mother's Day weekend and we had such a nice time. The weather was gorgeous all weekend long and we enjoyed a wonderful brunch on Mother's Day at the Gateway Hotel. Josh and my dad went to a movie on Sunday afternoon, and my mom/grandma/I even got in a quick shopping trip to Target. Josh and Keatin/Will got me the sweetest cards and the best gift...ordering a double stroller!!! (Not here yet, but can't wait!) The grandmas and grandpa stayed an extra to watch the kids for us on Monday...I think they were all EXHAUSTED by the time they left...but we appreciated their help SO much! On Sunday afternoon, Keatin and I had a little "girl time" alone and headed to a small park by our house. We enjoyed the sunshine and played on the slide/swings together. She loved "helping" me go down the slide - ha!

Grandpa Barber having a little play time on the floor with Keatin and Will...

Tuesday...OMG - it was 97 degrees!!! After supper, Josh mowed the yard and Keatin was entertained by the sprinkler/played in the water for over an hour. Will and I came out later, but after about 5 minutes...we were both sweating!

So...remember these 3 cuties back in January...

...look at them now! Jack came over on Wednesday night for a few hours while his mom and dad went golfing...we had a great time all playing together! We even went for a quick walk before it started to rain and decided that all the people driving by probably thought we were CRAZY with 2 strollers and one baby in a baby carrier...ha!!!

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!

WILL, 5 months

Will - how can you be 5 MONTHS OLD today?????

At 5 months, you...
Wear size 2 diapers - I think we will be graduating to size 3 soon. :)
Wear 6, 6-9, or 9 month clothes...but let's be honest, mostly 9 month stuff. :)
Weigh around 16 pounds (mommy's guess). :)
Roll over from your tummy to back. I think you are close to figuring out how to go back to tummy...you get yourself up on your side sometimes.
Sit up with assistance. If I lean you against my chest when sitting on the floor, you try to sit yourself forward...your tummy is getting strong!
Like to pull your sister's hair.
Have discovered your feet...I have caught you grabbing them a few times, although I don't think you realize you can get them in your mouth.
"Eat" cereal 1-2 times a day...you aren't GREAT at it. I am thinking about just trying some fruit with you to see if you like that better.
Starting to understand a sippy cup - yeah!!! (See picture below.)
Like to play in your exersaucer and sit up in the high chair - you can see so much!
Sit like a "big boy" in the stroller - no more infant seat for walks. :)
Eat around 845-9 pm every night and go to bed...don't eat again until 6-630 am. Some nights you sleep pretty good, but lately you have been awake a few times in the middle of the night.
Say "MMMM" a lot...maybe "ma ma" is soon????? :)
Smile A LOT (especially for mommy, daddy, Keatin, and your other friends at Jessica's house). People comment about what a happy baby you are...and you really are for the most part!
Are very social.
Are SO, SO loved! I can't imagine my life without your smily, round face to look at every day!


in the last week...

...Keatin and Will have done a lot of reading and laying around! :) Check it out...

URGH...I have another cute video of Keatin reading to Will...but I think the file is too big. Oh well!