

Happy Halloween!

We had trick-or-treating last night...and had a great time! Again, we convinced Keatin to wear the warmer ape/gorilla costume (versus the leotard princess one)...and Will was, once again, thrilled to be back in his skunk outfit. :) Becca, Jack, and Reid came with us...and I really think all the kids had a great time! We lasted about an hour...but that was perfect for all children and adults involved. :)

W & K before we headed out...

Jack is in the green...the frog. :)

I don't really know what to say about the next 2 pictures besides my husband had the camera, with instructions to take pictures of our children. Hmmm... (Side note - he thought he was HILARIOUS when I went to look at the pictures when we got home). Boys...

Reid really was a happy little monkey (Will's costume from last year)...but this picture makes me laugh!

And we are home...whew! Each kid got one piece of candy before bed...and that seemed to satisfy them!

And here is our house...as of 4 pm today! :)


our house...

...looked like this yesterday!



trunk or treat

It is a tired Monday morning around here...

Keatin complained off and on this weekend her tummy hurt...but seemed completely fine at times as well...so didn't think much of it and chalked it up to our busy weekend/too much candy.

Well...about midnight last night, she threw up. Guess it really did hurt. Josh is home with her now and hope she in on the mend.

We were in Cedar Falls over the weekend, visiting our good friends - the Carlsons - and also attending a wedding in Gilbertville/Independence. Saturday night at Trish and Aaron's church in Waterloo, they held their trunk-or-treat event. We went 2 years ago as well (see pictures here). I was able to get just a few photos of the kiddos, but they had a great time and I think it was good practice for trick-or-treating tomorrow night!

Lane - dragon, Emerie - giraffe, Will - skunk, and Keatin - ape (not sure who the kid is in the red- ha ha!)


Creepy Capers

Last night, Josh and I took K & W to an event put on by the City of Ankeny called Creepy Capers. (Actually, it was Becca's idea...thanks Becca.) :) We met the DeWilds there and had a great time! It was just held at a park shelter house...basically a Halloween Party for kids with different game/activity stations set up. Lots and lots of kids...but lots and lots of fun for Keatin and Will. :)

Will - AKA - our skunk (who is STILL trying to decide what he thinks of this costume)

There was pumpkin bowling...

...a bean bag toss...

...a cake walk-type game...

...a cookie decorating station (the frog is Jack)...

...and as you can tell, this might have been our favorite stop. :)

Keatin got wrapped up like a mummy quick before it was time to go!

Fun times...and it is FINALLY Friday! Yeah!


house & pumpkin

More house pictures - we have stairs!!
Wednesday, 10.24.12

And last night, we finally got around to carving our pumpkin. Josh was terribly disappointed...but neither child would even put their hand in to help him dig out the seeds. SO...he did it alone. :) They watched for about 6 seconds, and then they were off to play - ha!

I guess when you are carving a pumpkin alone, this is what you do to entertain yourself??? Yes - I am so proud this is my husband. :)

Josh got all creative...can you tell he carved Mickey Mouse??? Anyways, we got a few pics of the kids in their costumes with our Mickey pumpkin...Will even tolerated his skunk costume!

Happy Thursday!