
road trip

We decided to take a road trip yesterday to Cedar Falls. Josh had been really wanting to go and help Aaron with his projector/sound system...Josh is a pro with these items. :) Anyways, we headed up for the day and had a wonderful time at the Carlson residence. :) "Tee-tin" and "Yane" play SO well together and they went racing in and out of the bathroom together all day long (I wiped A LOT of bottoms). :) Josh fixed Aaron's system and Trish/I even went to Target/the mall...ALONE! It was so nice to see them...like it always is! :) The only bummer was Keatin came home on Friday afternoon with a runny nose/cough/sneezing...and that only got worse as the day went on yesterday. She was feeling under the weather and after a quick bath last night at Carlsons, she hit a wall. Poor thing... Anyways, she seems a bit perkier today...but no surprise, Will is snotty and coughing today. I hope he doesn't get really sick...

I snapped a few pics yesterday...enjoy!

Emerie is "helping" Josh with the electronics. :)

Keatin has an OBSESSION with stickers...we find them EVERYWHERE at our house. Lane had quite the collection of Cars stickers...and was only so kind to share them with Keatin. :)

My little man was starting to get droopy yesterday afternoon. Here he is cuddling with daddy...don't you just LOVE the way babies wrap their arms around you??? :)

Bathtime! We got all clean before hoping in the car to head home... :)

Thanks Aaron, Trish, Lane, and Emerie for a GREAT day! :)


cute guy

Don't I have a cute little guy on my hands? I love this picture...he looks grown up with that little smirk on his face! :)

And, as a side note, Miss Keatin has been wearing underwear since Saturday...and very successfully using the potty! We have had a few "accidents"...but only when she has been in trouble and mad at mom/dad...so pretty sure it was a choice. I am SO glad we are on our way to only buying one set of diapers! I am proud of Keatin and glad she has finally decided it was "time" to use the potty. :)

just will



Will and I played in the basement today while Keatin and Josh were napping. He was a smiling boy for his mama. :) I dug out the bumbo seat again - he sat in it for a few minutes before getting mad. Oh - and the Bears outfit he has on??? It was Keatin's...and she wore it this time of year as well...however, she was 4 months older than Will is...craziness!

I think this boy may be a thumb sucker!!!


just some pics

Just some pictures from the last week...

Last Wednesday night...first night home after daycare...

Friday night??? Not sure why they both look so unhappy! :)

Took all these on Saturday... Seriously - I was just trying to get a good picture!

Sunday night... Playing under the baby gym wears a guy out! :)

K & W

People ask me ALL the time if Keatin likes her brother...

She does not like him...she LOVES him. :)

In the mornings, she is SO quick to find him and grab his little hand in hers.

Now...she is saying things like "hey bug-a-boo" and "hi little man." Love it. :)

mr. will

Just a little video of Mr. Will that I took on Saturday. :)


happy heart day

Happy Valentine's Day! Keatin and Will send lots of hugs and kisses to all our family and friends. :)

Will got to celebrate Valentine's Day by going to the pediatrician for his 2 month appointment this morning! Daddy took him...and reported back that Dr. Paschen said he was "perfect." :) Daddy said he got 3 shots and WAILED a new cry he had never heard before (I am kind of glad I missed that part). And my big boy now weighs... 12 pounds, 8 ounces and is 23 1/4 inches long! I had to look back at Keatin's 2 month stats...she was 10 pounds, 10 ounces and 22 inches long...I knew Will seemed bigger to me! I think his shots were bothering him this afternoon/tonight...so I hope he sleeps OK tonight.

I have some pictures to upload...will try to get that done tomorrow!


back & some keatin-isms :)

I started back at work yesterday and I can say we all survived the day! It wasn't as emotional as the first day back with Keatin. I was EXHAUSTED driving to work...and it wasn't even 8 am! Keatin was SOOOO excited to have Will come with her to Jessica's house and she told me she would tell all her friends to "be nice." :) Will drank his bottles for Jessica (yeah!!!) and she said all in all, it was a good day...just going to take time to get to know Will and adjust to having a baby around again...

And for my own benefit, I have GOT to write down some of the things Keatin has said to me in the last couple days...I will call these Keatin-isms. :)

In the car Tuesday afternoon...
K: Mommy - there's a bus...a BIG bus. There peoples on da' bus. Da bus takes dos peoples to their schools.
M: Yes honey - you are right.
K: Yeah Mommy...you bet Mommy.
[You bet???? I have never heard her use that phrase. It was too funny!]

Tuesday night, waiting for Josh to get home from work...
K: Mommy - let's do crabs.
M: Do what????
K: Crabs mommy. Like dis [Keatin lays down on the floor and starts doing sit-ups]. :)

Tuesday night...
M: Keatin - tomorrow Will gets to go with you to Jessica's house and Mommy is going to go to work. Will you help take care of Will and give him lots of hugs and kisses? And help Jessica? And make sure your friends are nice to Will???
K: [Keatin nodding her head.] Mommy - you sad????
[How does she know??? :) It was precious and made me tear up.]

Wednesday night.... (Keatin has been doing REALLY GOOD at going poopy on the potty.)
K: [Up on the potty...] Mommy - that tickles...
M: Huh?
K: [Laughing... :)] Mommy - my pee-pees tickles my bottom... :)

Hmm - that is all I can remember for now. :) Have a great day!


2 months, 2.5 years, and 2 days...

2 months...Will is 2 months old today. Am I the only one who can't believe this???

2.5 years...Miss Keatin is 2.5 years old today. Is that really possible????

2 days...I go back to work in 2 days. Urgh - I definitely don't want to believe that is possible...time has gone WAY TOO FAST.

Will, at 2 months old...
You wear size 1 diapers...although I think you will be graduating soon.
In the last couple days, I have put lots of 3-6 month clothes on you...and they honestly fit. Can that be??? I am packing away more 0-3 stuff every day. You are LONG through the body and you have LONG arms.
You smile...a lot. :) I am guaranteed a really good smile within minutes of you getting up for the day. Your smiles are great...they are big, open-mouthed, gum-filled smiles. :)
You are "talking." And I must use that phrase a lot, because any time you make a noise...Keatin says: "Will is talking."
We have tried you in the Bumbo chair a few times, but wouldn't say you love it. Your favorite toy is the bouncy seat. You love watching the lights...and you especially love when I turn on the motion/vibrating part. You slap at the dangling toys...both in the bouncy seat and when you are under your baby gym.
You are still really gassy/uncomfortable at times...although I do think it has mellowed out a bit. However, you are still sporadically projectile vomiting. Urgh...
You eat 7 times a day.
You were planning a bit of a bottle rebellion...and it was really stressing me out! Last week, I bought bottles made by the same company that makes the pacifier you like...and, knock on wood, we have had much better luck. I PRAY that you take 3 bottles a day when you go to Jessica's house...
You still HATE being naked and taking a bath. You will grow to like your baths, right?????
Not sure if you are going through a growth spurt or what, but you have been up more at night. I still only feed you once a night...but you have been awake crying more. Mommy and Daddy are tired. :)
You are mine...and you are perfect. :) I love you.

On Sunday, Josh and Keatin got outside to play in the snow. I think they went sledding for awhile, and then came back to the front yard to build a snowman. Now when I glance out the window, I am constantly thinking there is some kid standing in my front yard. :)

Have a great week!


[will & jack]

So if you live in a hole and haven't heard, there is a winter storm going on. :)

Becca called me this morning...she couldn't get Jack to their day care provider's house because she lives on a gravel road in the country, and it was already getting blown over/pretty dangerous to drive on. Long story short...Jack came over here for a few hours this morning to hang out with Will and I! All went well and I had fun playing with 2 little boys. Jack was very attentive to Will and perked up every time he heard Will make a peep. :) Got a few pics of them together...and even a cute video of Jack "talking" and Will smiling. :)