
the week flew by!

It has been kind of a busy week around here! Keatin did some sponge and finger painting, we went to the Bookmobile at the local elementary school, Keatin had dance class, and we went to the wading pool 3 days in a row...plus just all the other "things" that take up a day!

We are getting ready to go to Storm Lake (again) for the 4th. I am doing the Ride/Run race on Monday morning around the lake...between 11-12 miles...haven't run that far in a LONG time, but it will be fine! Then one more week until we leave for Jamacia - LOTS for me to do before we leave!

Have a great weekend/4th of July!

All Keatin/Will's "friends" from Jessica's house met at the pool on Wednesday! Can you tell Keatin was excited to see them? :)

Keatin looked so stinking cute for dance class on Wednesday...too bad she pouted and whined the whole time we were there....so frustrating. :(

"Hey! I woke up before my sister and got to play with my mommy all by myself! I love her. :)"


our big sister

We have a great big sister at this house.

Really, ever since Will was born, she has done nothing but love on him.

She still LOVES him...A LOT. I have a feeling this will change as he continues to get more active...but for now, Keatin is in love with him.

This morning, Will was a fussy boy. I think his teeth are, once again, bothering him. (PLEASE just poke through already!!!!) Anyways, I was trying to unload some groceries and had put Will is his walker. He just sat there pushed up against the wall, moaning and moaning. I was singing to him, while trying to get my tasks accomplished. Keatin was doing her usual song and dance as well...but he kept whining. All of a sudden, she runs off to get something. I continue trying to put my things away...she runs back in the room and tells Will - "here you go Will, you chew on this." Her item of choice for Will to run his sore gums over???? A pair of her underwear. :)

Thanks big sister. :)



Just 2 photos from our weekend in Storm Lake.

Josh was in Vegas...Keatin, Will, Crimson, and I went to SL to see G & G Petersen, Aunt Jen, G & G Barber, and Grandma Heeren.

Will is eating lots of baby food these days...exhibit A is below. :)

G & G Petersen have a nice outdoor swing on their back patio. I decided we need one at our house...both of the kids liked it for different reasons.

Josh is back from Vegas...we missed our daddy. :)

Have a good Monday!


Keatin/Jack in bath??

Hmm - was having issues with the previous post and Keatin/Jack's video working...giving it another shot!


more bathtub fun

I have been trying to get this silly post uploaded for days...Blogger was not being nice to me! So, without further adieu, more bathtub fun at the Barber residence...and this time Jack was involved! :)

Keatin and Jack...makes me giggle just watching it!


2 firsts

Will had 2 firsts this week!

First time going in our wading pool outside... (Isn't he so handsome?) :)

First time having a tea party with Big Sister Keatin. :) (I am sure this is a first of many!)

Oh - not a first...but Will LOVES to read books with his big sister...

And I just couldn't resist...this is how Will fell asleep in the car seat this morning. Precious. :)

wading pool

SO...my mom put this silly hat on me and took Keatin & I to the wading pool this morning. I LOVE watching my big sister do anything, but I REALLY loved watching her in the water!

It looks kind of fun in there...maybe I should give it a whirl????

YES MOM! Please take me in!

Hmmm...a bit cold. Actually, not as much fun as I thought it was going to be. Can I just go back to watching from the sidelines??

Ah - I knew this would be so much better. :)

There she is...running/splashing around!

Ah - good times at the wading pool. :)

happy farter's day...

...or Father's Day...whichever you prefer. :) When Keatin told Josh Happy Father's Day this morning, it sounded like "Farter's Day." We laughed about that...kind of perfect, huh? :)

Happy Father's Day to the best daddy in the world!


will/keatin - 6 months :)

Will - 17 pounds, 14 ounces | 26 inches long | head: 45 cm
Keatin - 16 pounds, 12 ounces | 26 inches long | head: 45.5 cm

They are way more similar than I thought! I feel like Will is HUGE, but apparently my memory is failing me in my old age. :) Love them both no matter what!


bathtub belly laughs

OK - if this doesn't make you smile to yourself, I don't know what will. :)


On Saturday, the Carlsons came to Ames for a mini-birthday grill out for Josh. We love having them come visit and as always, we had a great time. The weather was PERFECT on Saturday afternoon and after everyone woke up from their naps, we seriously didn't go back inside until bath-time (which ended in the most disgusting dirty water I have ever seen - whew)! :)

Josh, Trish, and I decided to bust out 3 of our strollers (yes, we have 4...ridiculous, I know) and take the kids to a nearby school/playground. The LOVED it. :)

Will was a happy man just chewing on a bath letter in his stroller. :)

I think I am going to call these 3 the 3 amigos...I LOVE these pictures!!!! (Notice the not-even 18 month old leading the way up the TALL stairs.)

Josh was on swing patrol...he gave LOTS of underdogs....


SO...we have been searching for a van for the last few months (OK - Josh METICULOUSLY scanned the used Honda Odyssey world for months). :) Last week, Josh had a day off work...he saw a van he liked in KC...drove down there...and bought the van! Yipee! So on Sunday, we ALL drove back down to KC, stayed overnight with our friends, and officially bought the van on Monday morning. It is a 2008 Black Honda Odyssey...and makes me feel VERY mom-ish...but I love it. :) Driving back from KC yesterday with 2 VERY tired and VERY cranky kids alone...did not love that...but I guess it was worth it. :)

Keatin thought maybe we should get this convertible instead. :)

Signed and payed for! :)

SO...around the Iowa/Missouri border, both of the kids were SCREAMING. I have no idea what Keatin's problem was...Will was just tired, tired of being in his carseat, and probably hungry. SO...I hung a quick right into Lamoni, IA where they had a lovely Maid-Rite/Iowa Welcome Center/Amish Gift Shop. We stopped for awhile to eat and regroup for the remaining part of the trip. They had these fake cows out front...Keatin just HAD to see them. (Notice how it looks dark and windy???? Yeah - I got to drive through really bad weather too!) AAHHH - SO glad to get to Ames!

will (6 months)

WILLIAM - how are you 6 months old???? I can't even wrap my head around that one!

At 6 months...

Wear size 3 diapers.
Wear anywhere from 6 to 12 month clothes, depending on what it is.
Not sure what you weigh...you go in for your 6 month appointment tomorrow, so we will see...but you are SO long and SO heavy...I am guessing around 18-19 pounds????
Nurse 3 times a day, eat 2 bottles a day (although you are NOT a good bottle drinker...so frustrating), drink out of a sippy, and eat baby cereal, some fruits, some veggies, and little puffs/biter biscuits! Whew!
I think you are teething???? But I have thought that for about 3 weeks now, and no teeth yet.
You DROOL...A LOT. :)
"Talk" all the time.
Belly laugh at your big sister.
Sit up in the bathtub.
Go to bed around 8-830, get up between 6-7 am (may wake up 1-2 times in the night, but we just plug you up with your pacifier). :)
LOVE your blankies...cuddling with a blanket by your cheek will calm you down immediately.
Sit up unassisted...still wobbly at times, but you are getting pretty independent at this task.
Don't really roll...I just don't think it is your thing. :)
SO grabby - I can't tell you how many times someone has you on their lap at the table and you grab/stick your hand in something you shouldn't!
Starting to "kiss" people...it is wet!
Just SO, SO loved...I could never say it enough. :)

(Did you know that toothbrushes and those foam letters that you can stick on the wall of the bathtub are THE BEST things to chew on??? Will certainly thinks so. :) I have been trying to get a picture with one of those letters just hanging out of his mouth...but was able to catch him with daddy's toothbrush this morning. Sorry dad!)

happy birthday josh

Happy birthday hun. :)

Your girls and little man love you so much.

You are an amazing husband, wonderful father, and just a great guy...and I am so happy that today, we get to celebrate all those things. I like hearing Keatin say - "I want my daddy..." and the way Will turns his head to find your voice ALL THE TIME...makes me smile. :)

I met you right after you had turned 16...which means that I have known you 15 years. WOW. :)

Keatin and Will "helped" me wrap your gifts this morning...we hope you like them! Can't wait for you to get home from work so we can grill some steaks and celebrate!