
Pumpkin Fun!

Keatin, Crimson, and I headed out for a walk this afternoon...it wasn't WARM by any means, but okay enough to be out for awhile and nice to get some fresh air!

When we got back to the house, I piled up some leaves and got out the pumpkins...but the leaves were wet and Keatin wasn't too enthralled with the pumpkins...got a few cute pics before we headed inside for Keatin to carve her first pumpkin!

The pumpkin "crew"... :)

Our finished product!


Doggies, clothes, hats, and yogurt :)

Pics from the last couple weeks...I know, I know - I am behind. :) (I have made several posts this morning, so be sure to keep scrolling down!)

A little game Keatin likes to play with Crimson...hmmm doggie - if you are laying there calmly, maybe I can just sit down on your for a little bit. :)

Last weekend, I did the ol' switch-ero of summer and winter clothes. Keatin LOVED "helping" me put all the summer items into the plastic tub. She even had to try this tank top on! :)

For those of you who aren't around a school every day, you probably didn't know last week was Fire Prevention Safety Week! Anyways, one afternoon when I went to pick Keatin up at Jessica's house, they had made fire hats as well! I thought it was so cute that she was doing the same type of activities the teachers were doing at school!

The hat says - Junior Fireman, Keatin. :)

OK - the girl LOVES yogurt. On this particular night, she ate multiple helpings of it. She is very adamant about using her spoon by herself...as you can tell from the pictures. Daddy took these pics...and by the way, her hair stood completely up until bath-time!


Keatin and I were downstairs playing on Saturday morning...I was multi-tasking - doing some laundry, picking things up - turned around and Keatin had gotten her little blocks up on the table and was "building" with them. Too funny!

Keatin, Alyssa, and Drew

Some friends of our came over on Saturday night for a few hours...let the kiddos play, grilled out, and watched some football. Andy and Josh both work for US Bank...Andy and Gina have 2 kids - Alyssa (5) and Drew (2, almost 3). As we knew she would, Keatin LOVED having other kids in her playroom! I just LOVE watching her with other kids and how she interacts. :) Took a few pics...enjoy!

Drew and Keatin found the spicy cheese dip and chips...note, this was under dad supervision. :)

We got the crayons out for coloring...wow - look at that "big" kid color! :)

Just had to include this video of Alyssa and Keatin coloring... :)


Black's Heritage Farm - The Pumpkin Patch!

We FINALLY made it to the pumpkin patch yesterday! I have been wanting to take Keatin for a few weeks, but last weekend was SO cold. Yesterday was much better...55 degrees, a bit windy, but we made it work. :)

We went to this place called Black's Heritage Farm south of Ames. They had several different animals Keatin could pet (or be deathly afraid of)...although she LOVED the really old de-da (doggie) that was out laying by the barn - go figure! :) After the animals, we hopped on a wagon for a ride out to the pumpkin patch where we got to pick our own pumpkins. Josh and I both said we were glad we took Keatin...I am sure it will be something she will enjoy more as she gets older. :)

Daddy, Keatin, and the goat...who enjoyed nibbling on Josh's leg. :)

The pony ride...which we didn't actually ride, but got a picture of Keatin sitting on!

Besides the de-da, these were Keatin's favorite animals...the baby chicks!

Our wagon ride out to the pmpkins...kind of made me feel like we were in a different world...although you could see all the ISU dorms from where we were - ha ha! :)

Keatin picked the biggest pumpkin - she doesn't mess around!

Kisses for mommy... :)

Keatin walking around the driveway at the pumpkin patch...thought it was another good shot of her doing her webble-wobble walking. :)


Busy Weekend!

The Barbers were off to Kansas City for the weekend! It was originally all planned so we could go to the ISU/KSU football game that was at Arrowhead Stadium on Saturday. My whole family met up to tailgate and go to the game...my mom and dad, Jen/Joey, my aunt and uncle (who live south of KC), my cousin Emily and her husband Michael (who live in KC), and my cousin Eric....and Josh's old roomie Sterls and his girlfriend came too! Whew!

Saturday was a brisk day weather-wise. Keatin did VERY well, but I felt bad for her as it was pretty chilly. She got to wear her winter coat, hat, and mittens for the first time...and she even left the hat alone and on her head - yeah! ISU ended up losing at the very end of the game - boo... :(

Here is Keatin with her Dora car in the Arrowhead parking lot...Daddy thought I was CRAZY for bringing this along...I think I was very smart. :)

Keatin eating some snacks in her mini chair. :)

The people parked next to us had this Cyclone bean bag game...Keatin thought it was a slide. :)

Inside Arrowhead with Uncle Joey - cheering on the Cyclones!

After the game, we all went out to eat...and there was this handy-dandy playground right behind the restaurant...which was PERFECT since Keatin had been sitting on our laps for HOURS. She LOVED getting out and running around!

Swinging with Daddy - wwwwweeeeeee!

Josh, Keatin, and I slept at Bryan, Erika, and Parker's house. (Bryan, Erika, and Josh all went to NWMSU together.) Parker is about 2 months older than Keatin, and they had a lot of fun playing together. Parker has this fun cow tunnel that Keatin really enjoyed...this might be a good Christmas present for her. :)

Keatin and Parker sitting on Parker's chairs...too cute. :)

The guys all went to the Chiefs game on Sunday (which of course I have no pictures of), and the girls all went shopping. We got back to Ames last night around 930 pm, and both Josh and I thankfully had the morning off work today. :) It was a great weekend - lots of fun doing lots of things and seeing lots of people!

Short video of Keatin and Uncle Joey at the football game. :)


Last night continued...

I figured out the 2nd video...yipee!

This one was shot about 10 minutes after the previous video...

Last Night :)

A glimpse of what was happening at our house last night... :) I have another video that we took about 10 minutes later, but it is too big of a file to upload. Bummer... Enjoy this one though!