...it was hot. What do you do when both your kids are awake by 2:30 and it is WAY TOO HOT outside for an infant??? You bake cookies...with your 2 year old who found the green food coloring and sprinkles. :) (Side note...this whole cookie experience wasn't really that slick of an idea when your baby wanted to be held and your 2 year old secretly pushed the kitchen chair over to the counter and quietly licked God knows how much cookie batter.) :)
...Jack was back! Look at these 2 boys sitting next to each other! (Isn't Will doing so good??? He kept his balance really good, and I think it was because he could look at something right at his eye level...Jack!)
Look what Jack's mom and dad taught him to do! :)
...Will and I cuddled a lot. I still think he is trying to cut teeth, and he was having some bowel movement issues...poor guy. :( Here I am trying to take a picture of us together...the 1st one cracks me up! Sorry Will! :)
What did you do this week??? :)
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