
Keatin's 1 year pictures

Keatin's 1 year pictures are ready for viewing online! Josh and I have some favorites that just capture the little girl she is - hope you enjoy them!

Gallery: Barber family
Password: mb2009


we are here...

We are still here...just been adjusting to life at work again!

In Keatin news...
  • She is still content just crawling...no steps on her own for this girl yet! She walks around furniture and between things...and is becoming "brave" enough to walk just holding on to us with one hand, not both hands.
  • She has gotten 2 molars in the last 2 weeks. Perfect timing with work starting back up... :)
  • She can now MOO like a cow and pant like a dog. Oh...and she makes a farting noise with her mouth when I ask her what daddy says...he, he...I taught her that one. We laugh every time... :)
Being back at work also means I haven't had the camera out much...so I don't even have any real fun photos or videos to share! Below is what I could scrounge up... :)

Keatin exploring the "Man Cave" last week. :) Yes...she is sitting on the speaker in front of the wall screen.

She can't believe the Chiefs were winning! :) :) He he......

Just tonight...playing some BB in the basement... :)



We got Keatin's 1 year pictures taken last Monday. The photographers have a blog where you can view a "sneak peek" of the pictures...they just posted them last night!

ALL the pictures will be available for viewing in a few weeks...will keep you posted on that.

The photographers' blog is linked up to our blog on the right-hand side...A Day In The Life... OR, the actual link is smidts.blogspot.com



Cooking Time!

We were busy playing with Keatin's new kitchen, food, and table in the basement yesterday...just had to capture some of the fun on video. :)


just stuff

One morning last week when Keatin woke up from her nap, she was pretty sure that she was NOT going to let go of 3 pacifiers. Tried to lure her with a cup of juice...which she obviously wanted to drink, but could not quite figure out how to pick it up with 3 pacifiers in hand. I don't think the pictures do this situation justice...it was pretty stinkin' funny when it happened. :)

The "doggie" and Keatin "playing" together...to say Keatin is obsessed with Crimson might be an understatement. :) (And for those of you who really know Crimson, aren't you proud of the way she is "playing" with Keatin??? I was!)


B-day Pics...Grandpa Barber style!

Grandpa Barber took these on Saturday. He is all fancy with his camera and pictures...these are a bit nicer than ours, so just thought I would share. :)


Lane and Keatin...

Aaron, Trish, and Lane were in Des Moines last Wednesday (AKA - carpet in the basement day)...so they stopped by for a bit on their way back up to Cedar Falls. Here is a clip of Keatin and Lane playing together. They also enjoyed climbing up the newly carpeted stairs. :)

Keatin is 1!

Yes folks, it is true...our baby is officially 1 (and survived her "birthday-weekend-o-fun")! :)

Today is the first day since last Wednesday that we don't have company...it was sadly kind of quiet this morning. :( There is SO much I could say and tell about Keatin's 1st birthday. I will try to summarize what I can with the pictures below. She was a trooper through it all and so friendly to all her guests. It really is humbling to think of how much all our family and friends love Keatin...which I guess reflects on how much they all care about Josh and I. Thank you to EVERYONE who thought of Keatin on her big day - she is the most amazing blessing in our lives and I know she could feel all the love around her and warm thoughts about her. :)

Having a snack on Friday (her actual birthday)...showing everyone that she is one. :)

Saturday was the party day... "Aunt" Pam made Keatin's birthday cakes... She came to the rescue because anything I would have attempted to make would not have even come close to this beauty. :) The little white cake was ALL Keatin's...

And the butterfly cake was for everyone else!

Keatin with her new musical teapot... This is an adorable gift, and we have already been having a lot of tea parties...she always says "MMMM" when she drinks her tea!

Keatin was even lucky enough to have her own special 1st birthday outfit made for her! My friend Jenni in Kansas made this and sent it to us last week in time for the big party day. Keatin looked ADORABLE in it...LOVE the #1 on her shorts!

Cake time!

What is this stuff on the tip of my finger?

Do I put it in my hair?

Heaven's no! It tastes yummy!

Keatin "dug" a little deeper in her cake when I gave her a spoon...

I think I am done.... This is all the "dirtier" I got!

Time for some presents...

A new Baby Einstein DVD from Bri...

And my very own cell phone from Aunt Pam!

The gifts are taking over the living room!

The "Petersen" side of the family....

The "Barber" side of the family...

Our little angel...

Keatin with the Anthones...

Keatin and her Uncle Joey...this guy is SOOOOO fun to play with!

Oh yeah...Sunday was my mom and dad's 34th anniversary, and next Sunday is Jen and Joey's 1st anniversary. Here are the anniversary couples with Keatin!

Whew! It was a whirlwind of a weekend but like I said earlier, so special...so humbling.

I know - no pics of the basement...which is carpeted and was a HUGE hit at the party. I will get some uploaded when I have free time - HA!

As a side note...Keatin had her 1 year appointment this morning. She weighed in at 20 pounds, 8 ounces and she is 31 inches long. In Dr. Paschen's words..."she is perfect." :)

Oh another side note...we have Keatin's 1 year pictures tonight with a photographer in Ames. I believe they will all be available for viewing online. Will keep you posted...


Happy 1st Birthday Sweetheart...

Today is Keatin's 1st birthday... It is about 730 am and it is a dark, rainy morning - the birthday girl is actually still in bed! I could not sleep last night...I think just the different emotions of having Keatin turn 1! I am sure there will be LOTS of pictures to share after the next 3 days...but here is one from 365 days ago. :) Love this face no matter what day it is. :)

Also...a little video I had to watch again...



Tomorrow...no, 3 days...AAHH!

Tomorrow...(drumroll please)...the carpet gets laid in the basement! Alleluia! My husband has a unique saying for how hard we have been working in the basement...I won't repeat it now...but needless to say, we have been spending EVERY spare minute in that basement getting it prepped for tomorrow. We are SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited - Keatin won't know what to do with all the open space to crawl and roam!

This is part of why I have been slacking when it comes to the blog...I have been in basement world!

3 days and counting...until our little angel is 1...is that EVEN POSSIBLE??????? Wow... (Keatin is now a pro at raising her little pointer finger when you ask her how old she is!) Planning her birthday party has also been consuming our time...just getting things ready. I wouldn't recommend doing a MAJOR basement remodel and trying to complete it right before you are having a whole bunch of people to your house for your daughter's 1st birthday...a little stressful! "Uncle" Lyle came over tonight and power washed the deck for the party - it looks SO good! Can check that one off the list...

OK...here are a few pics... I have a few videos as well...internet slowness = no videos being uploaded tonight. Will try again tomorrow...OK, if I am lucky and have the time! HA!

Was cleaning the cushions in the living room one day last week...I leave the room for a moment and look at this little rascal! :) Oh yes...she has her eyes on that computer!

Keatin is becoming pretty good at using a spoon to feed herself things like yogurt. It is a MESSY process, but so fun because she gets such enjoyment out of it. She says "MMMMM" every time she puts the spoon in her mouth.

Swear I can't leave these 2 alone! Look at Crimson's new favorite "resting" spot...and a very innocent looking Keatin - NOT!