

Happy Saturday!! Photos below of our last week...

Playing at McDonald's!


Hours of Barbie fun!

Wearing vests to school on the same day...

Boys and cartoons...

Footie Jammies!

Practicing i...

Half eaten Keatin donut with pink lipstick...

Bath done and Jammies on by 6 pm on a Friday night...

And today...enjoying nice sunshine!

Have a great weekend!


(hi there)

Busy week here...PT conferences at school and Josh is out of town...

But hi!!!! We are here!! Take a look!

Eating donuts...

Trip to Ames one day...

Finger painting...

Cuddling with babies...

Jammie time!!

Using our muscles on the swingset...

Putting up Xmas lights...

Lunch date!

Field trip date!

Have a great Thursday!!