

It was hot in Iowa yesterday...FINALLY! Made me SO excited for summer...although that is still a few weeks off for me.

Here are some pictures Josh took off our deck when the sun was setting...

And before the sun set, we got out the water in our front yard...and the neighborhood children (and adults and dogs) flocked to our house! Ha ha! But it was SO fun. :) We have a baby pool and a lady bug sprinkler...so I got those going at first. Then I put one of our little slides into the baby pool. Then I dug out our empty sandbox and filled that with water as well. I thought Josh might be mad I had 2 pools on our new grass, but he seemed fine with it...and I aimed the sprinkler at our new tree, so I was really watering the tree in the process - haha! In all, we had 7 kids playing (Jack and Reid included) and about 5 adults just lounging in the driveway. I loved it. :) And our one neighbor girl told me our front yard was like a water park, so hey - I don't think I did too shabby setting up the fun!

This is our neighbor's dog, Mattie. She is a PRINCESS...she just sat on a chair. HAHA!

Happy Hump Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pic5 blue bikini, for sure underagebut she looks old enough tofuck, sexis much nicer with a young one than adult