
[blank park zoo]

My summer with the kids is almost over...and I have been wanting to get to Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines since June...and last Wednesday happened to be the day!

Just like last summer (click here), the deNeui girls were our guests for the trip. They are so sweet...and so helpful...and more than anything, Keatin LOVES them. Honestly, when I told Keatin on Wednesday morning who was coming to the zoo with us, her face was PRICELESS...I wish I could have captured her reaction in a bottle and saved it forever. :)

It was another hot day (shock), but we got to the zoo by 9:30 am and saw everything we needed to see by lunch...when everyone was plenty sweaty and tired!

Will LOVED the fish - he kept going back to them over and over!

The 5 kids. :)

Best pose of the day - ha!

Will also loved the goats...we had to feed them over and over and over! He didn't seem to care at all that the goats kept nibbling his little fingers!

Heading out for lunch - whew!

After lunch before we headed home...2 tired girls!

Thank you Emma, Grace, and Josie for coming along - we love ya!

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